Social media has taken the world by surprise. From 2005 to 2019 the percentage of usage jumped from 5% to 72%. More than half of the world is on social media; therefore it truly is impacting our day-to-day lives. Social media impacts our self-image, mental health, happiness and social skills, we need to start looking closer at what this actually means for the future of the world. It is affecting everyone from babies to toddlers, to adults and elders, the infographic below contains the biggest takeaways from our new blog on the impact of social media on generation Z, and what they could mean for you.
In Conclusion
In conclusion, there is an epidemic happening surrounding social media. Many people aren't realizing it because it seems "harmless" and because it's not an actual drug. These statistics and studies show otherwise, there is so much more impact social media is having on us then we realize. Once we realize what's happening it's hard to ignore it.